Personal Style: Ke$ha Chic

This past weekend, a few friends and I went up to Canandaigua to see Ke$ha! Anyone who knows me knows that I love concerts where you can dress up and be in a big dance party, so I was super excited to go! Plus, I've never been to a Ke$ha concert before, so that made it even better. First, I had the tough decision of picking out what I was going to wear. Funny enough, four out of the five of us that went ended up wearing black, gold, and animal print. Great minds think alike!

Here's what I ended up wearing:

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Dress: H&M - SIMILAR Belt: Target - SIMILAR Shoes: Target Cat ears: Forever 21 Fingerless gloves: Forever 21 - SIMILAR Necklace: H&M Spiked bracelet: ASOS

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You see that little silver shimmer peeking out from my dress? Yeah, that's my hand-made disco ball bra...extraordinarily similar to Lady Gaga's. I made it for her concert a few years ago, and I've actually gotten about four wears out of it. I bought a small disco ball from Party City, ripped every little mirror off of the ball, and used fabric glue to secure the mirrors onto the ball. And after all of the wears and dancing that I've done in it, no mirrors have come off of it! For some reason, if you are insane like me and want to make your own disco ball bra, I highly recommend this method!

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Glorious handmade feather headpieces!

Oh, and my sunglasses came from Blush boutique. They are Quay and you can find them HERE! Absolutely my new favorite pair of sunglasses.

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This is the point where we started throwing glitter at each other. Because it's not a Ke$ha concert unless you have a gigantic glitter party. I'm pretty sure there is actually still glitter embedded in my scalp.

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This photo pretty much summed up the entire night.



I'm pretty sure there's a reason why they call glitter the "herpes of the craft world." You can NEVER GET RID OF IT.

pleated poppy