Buffalo Fashion Week: The Snooty Fox

DSC00788 The second big event that I attended for Mercedes-Benz of Buffalo Fashion Week was at the Snooty Fox Lounge.  They had a big party with great drinks, mini-cupcakes, lots of photographers, and hot girls in great clothes and body paint.

Warning:  topless girls in body paint ahead!

I went with three of my friends, and it was such a great experience.  We got to meet a lot of awesome people in the local fashion scene and enjoy a beautiful night in downtown Buffalo.


My super fierce friend BFD and her equally fierce boyfriend.



What's a night out without a little duck-face?


I definitely felt over-dressed for the occasion lol



That was my first time at the Snooty Fox and I would definitely go back!  Such a fun night with some great people, rubbing elbows with some great fashionable people!