How to Feel Comfortable in Front of a Camera *VIDEO*
Photo by Ryan Kell
Photo shoots can be very intimidating, especially when you're not used to doing them.
Sure, we can all take selfies without a problem, but actually working with a professional photographer and posing in front of a camera? Sometimes that can be a little tough.
A question that I get asked all the time is "How do you feel comfortable while doing a photo shoot?" Believe me, I didn't start off as a pro. Before I started blogging, I was never comfortable taking professional photos. I always felt super awkward and never knew what to do with my body. Over the years, I've forced myself to step out of my comfort zone, got a few shoots under my belt, and now I feel like I'm able to be camera-ready at a moment's notice.
I recently shot a video with my good friend Becki of the vlogging duo Becki and Chris, and we gave seven tips for getting comfortable in front of the camera. These tips are not just for photo shoots, but for video shoots as well. We roamed around Buffalo with our friend and local photographer Ryan Kell, shot some photos and video, and gave a few helpful tips. Make sure to check out her video below and let me know if you have any more secrets for how you combat photo shoot fright!